Laphroaig Triple Wood 700ml
Laphroaig Triple Wood 700ml
Laphroaig Triple Wood is aged in three different types of cask, including American oak ex-Bourbon barrels. We then pick and choose the most suitable spirits from these barrels, ranging in age. These are blended and transferred into small 19th Century Quarter Casks for a second maturation. This gives them more contact with the wood, imparting notes of spice and cedar.
Finally, the spirit is moved into our specially selected large European oak Oloroso sherry casks for that final touch of sherry sweetness. This whisky matures and develops slowly during this final stage, lending it a complex and full-bodied flavor.
Triple matured in ex-Bourbon barrels, quarter casks and sherry butts
Specially selected spirit is drawn from each for maximum flavour
The use of triple wood imparts flavors of spice and fruit
A powerful peated whisky with flavors of smoke, raisins and nuts
2016 International Wine & Spirit Competition Gold
*Packaging may vary.